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this is very well written and felt like a believable letter.

The writing is absolutely beautiful, even reading it makes me emotional! I hope the daffodils bloom beautifully and the wedding goes well like Berny wished... amazing work!

Beautifully written and illustrated; wonderfully emotional for how short it is. I definitely got a bit teary...

The love shone through this game; both Berny's love for her siblings and their clear love for her in turn, clear even though this was written from Berny's perspective. It's tinged with her fears and doubts and grief for the life she won't get to live, and the lives she won't get to see her siblings live, but I think the sheer love Berny showed in this letter hit me so hard I may be tearing up for the third time now just writing this comment-

Oh, this was a beautiful game, the kind of stories that leaves you speechless, contemplating your thoughts and your humanity.

There is only one certitude in life: death. So it's admittedly a complicated topic to explore, and the game does so masterfully. Following Berny's thought process, fears and hopes was very touching. It made me think: if I were to die, what would I wish for the people I hold dear? To thrive, to move on, and to find happiness, of course: to know I loved them to the last second, and wih them all the best; and if I wouldn't want to be erased from their memories, I wouldn't want either to be their ghost. The game articulated all these thoughts better than I ever could.

I have to say I adored the art direction, be it the presentation with the GUI or the gorgeous watercolour CG.

This was a beautiful game! Thanks for making it!

A bittersweet experience.  Loved the part about Persephone & Hades.